Saturday, June 21, 2014

Hey now, hey now~

I'd like to have lovely, deep, diverse song lyrics and book/movie quotes adorning the tops of my blog posts....but all the good ones just won't fit the moods I'm in while I write! For example, Purity Ring's "lofticries" which is so amazing and is so quoteable....but it has this wistful, weepy feeling (in my opinion) despite its catchy vibe and melody. Um, just not feeling wistful, ok? But, you should totally listen to the song! But yes, I still seriously need to work on my titles. For now, you get "Lizzie McGuire"! Anyway, what I wanted to talk about were: A few of my faaavoriiiiteee thingssss~ *getting a little sound of music there, but how can you not thing of it when you say that phrase!?* I really enjoy these sorts of posts, so here we go!

List time! From left to right, sort of!

- eyeliner that brightens your eyes
- browsing an inspirational tumblr blog while watching a movie~
- drinking cups upon cups of hot tea!
- cozy sweaters (ignore me awkwardly trying to duck-face, or something) 
- wildly growing daisy patches
- scrunchies!
- having a stack of voluntary reading material!( pictured are Nat Geo and The Help)
- sun glowing on he fruit of pomegranate seeds
- fun socks (pictured are from Asos)
- reading manga online late at night! ( geeeekkk)

Note: the tumblr logo belongs to tumblr and I found this one on Logopedia. Also, the anime girl in the corner is not mine, but found at <>

Some bonuses that I couldn't find pictures for, or didn't have pics for:
- the perfect music on YouTube, found accidentally
- chocolate truffles
- the right art reference
- finding a cute street to stroll

What's a nice, small thing that's making you happy?

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