Friday, July 25, 2014

Stripes and Sunshine

Hello again! I haven't posted quite do recently as I've been working on some art, like making inked watercolor designs, which I might post later, as well as reading... I finished Insurgent, and though I wasn't wowed much by Divergent, this one had a plot twist that was really original! So now I've gotten Allegiant and we shall see what I think of the series as a whole. Today after yoga...which is basically the only sort of exercise I'm interested in.. I'm not a sports person, I went up to a room in my building that has some nice open windows that let in streams of light...I think it was quite good for photos. 

*squints at the sun*

My outfit:
Top- a sort of cotton-y, linen-y shirt from a French lady's clothing stand...funnily, a woman who designed sweaters remarked to me how much she liked the cut and do I! 
Shorts- Forever soft and easy for lounging about with a cute slouchy cut
Belt- Genius Outfitters
Cardigan- Gap... I've been layering this thing with everything basically
Flats: Old Navy
Headband- Claire's
Leggings- some random mini Macy's in a Maui hotel...

Awkward selfie

I've done a small diy, btw...repainting an old bulletin board of mine for a classier look

Ultrecht acrylic paint from Blick, layered practically 100(not really) times on the cork

Look, much better...a bit of the blue shines through and it looks a little shabby-chic

I hope you have a good day :)


  1. cute top! i really like your retro headband! ^^ good luck with your art~

    visit me:

    1. Ah thank you so much! And yes thanks for the encouragement with my art~
