Sunday, May 24, 2015

Is anyone there?

Haha...I'm not sure if anyone will notice, but I was actually referencing that one Porter Robinson song "She Depends on You." Well anyway...woah. It's been ages, folks! I mean, the school year is almost over, where I live. I still have finals (ugh). So, I was reading Rookie Yearbook this morning, and OH WAIT!!! Pause, ok, I've got a neat story to tell. I met Tavi Gevinson. As in the founder of Rookie Mag. Yeah, that was amazing. I gave her a painting and she was so nice. She talked with everyone at the event and she was just so causal and inviting. Here are some photos as proof!

I was just about to ask my friend "Have you taken the pic yet?!"
 Hence the wierd face but ok

Ohhh yessss

"teen prom movie" decorations

To be honest, I had fun listening to good music and hearing Tavi speak, but a lot of the people at the event where rather distant or haughty seeming. The contents of the crowd sort of bummed me out for that reason. However stylish they were, I felt I couldn't simply start gushing about Rookie and how excited I was to them...because apparently that wasn't cool enough. Hmm.
 Well, back to what I was saying, I've done a lot this year. I've done a lot of creative work, started sewing, thrifted a ton, etc. I even got my braces off. Of course, it was only so that a new device, a retainer, could be stuck onto my teeth, once again restraining them from wreaking havoc.

example of some art I was working on

Today, I woke up and thought of how nice it was to be able to write about what I wanted. I'd written quite a few essays in school, which caused me to think about how almost therapeutic it was to asses my thoughts and to be a small part of a community composed of creative young people. I thought of how photographing my neighborhood "adventures" helped me to see the things around me in a more beautiful light. I decided to give it a go again. I'm not sure how many of my followers are active on their own blogs, or if any of you will read this, but if you do, please comment and let's get in touch again <3 Now, I hope your day is peaceful and that you won't stress over small things...and don't forget to

Some bathroom grafitti done by some student at school. 
I wonder who?

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Just wanted to say that I'm alive and here reading your blog posts. Your life in Cali looks great and hope you're well! :)
