Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Holes of My Sweater

Since it's fall, I gotta open this post with a song lyric from Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood. I figure that everyone in the fashion and life blogging community loves fall...right?! Because sweaters and artsy photo opportunities with leaves:

See? Anyway, we do only have one month left of fall, but I feel that finally, the weather (at least in SoCal) is finally changing! Coming from Hawaii, these crunchy leaves are pretty intriguing. And the chilliness! Yesterday, it actually RAINED....rain in California. Wow. I didn't see it, but 
everything outside was rainsoaked (if that isn't a word, it is now) and the sky was that clear sort of blue that accompanies rainy weather so nicely. It's too bad I didn't get pictures of the dewey roses. Another great thing about fall is pumpkin flavoring...on everything. I'm not super into it, but it's a nice seasonal flavor, like mint is for winter. My mom baked a pumpkin and chocolate pound cake, which was very seasonal. 

Halloween has just passed, but that was spooky and nice...I did do the thing where you go out looking for grocery store candy that is handed out to children...trick or treating is painful for your feet. If you'd like to see my costume, that's 
on instagram. I enjoyed visiting the popular costume shop, 

It featured typical cheesy halloween shop items, but was really big and had some interesting things, like this wall of masks!

Also in Halloween spirit, I tried black nails for the first time... and they're great. They make you look very "bad" and "rad" (mmmhmm I'm a cool kid). Plus, when thy cip, it doesn't look gross, it loos edgy. Black nails have a very teenage aesthetic.

Another typical fall staple for many people is a creepy movie...but I am not partial to horror in the least bit...however, the movie adaption of Gone Girl should be 
sufficiently creepy and shocking. I loved this movie, which I'm sure you've heard a lot about. It's a longer movie with a really interesting plot, and an interesting greyish look throughout the whole movie. 

amy dunne *entertainment weekly*

When I think of my wife, I always think of her head. Like a child, I picture opening her skull, unspooling her brain and sifting through it, trying to catch and pin down her thoughts. What are you thinking, Amy? The question I’ve asked most often during our marriage, if not out loud, if not to the person who could answer. I suppose these questions storm cloud over every marriage: What are you thinking? How are you feeling? Who are you? What have we done to each other? What will we do?"
-Gilligan Flynn

   I shall now close this post with some lovely pics. 
Some cheerful pumpkins from the grocery store, and my shoes with some adorable flowering weeds.

How has your fall/Autumn been?


  1. Oh man, I looooove pumpkin-flavored everything. Wow, I totally forgot about Thanksgiving! Hopefully I can see my mom this year for some good food. *drool* and company of course, hehe.

    Gone Girl was a pretty intense movie. Loved her, hated her, loved her, scared of her. A friend said that movies usually motivate him in some way but that this movie did nothing for him, haha. In fact, perhaps demotivated him. Pretty nice art.

    1. Yes, pumpkin is wonderful...have you ever tried pumpkin and chocolate cookies? Surprisingly good...And yep, Thanksgiving! Ahh christmas decorations are already up in stores...but fall is still here! Yeah, my opinion of Amy kept changing throughout the movie! And oh, I can totally see how it could have been the opposite of motivational!

